






Projekti lühikirjeldus: Loomeettevõtete arenguplaani elluviimise toetus.

Brief description of the project: Support for the implementation of the development plan of creative enterprises.
The website was built/developed with the help of EAS.

EAS helps launch the Funk Embassy Creative Hub, during which the website has been developed.

Project name: Launch of Estonian Funk Embassy Creative Hub as a 360-degree agency
Project start and end: 12.07.2022 – 31.10.2023
Project content: We are building the Funk Embassy Creative Hub in Telliskivi Creative Town, which will be the home of the Funk Embassy creative collective: bands, authors, musicians and a team (who will fly their music to the world). To develop the project is to get Creative Hub to work as a 360-degree agency, develop and further develop various business directions and bring them under a common roof.
We focus on four strategies within the project. Three of them are related to musical services that do not involve live performances. The fourth goal includes management services on a larger scale, one part of which can also be concert organization.

Strategic goals:
1. Optimizing the writing and recording of the (promotional) track
2. Full service offering of a sound studio
3. Representation-sale of the music catalog
4. Commission growth for the position of manager

The cost of the project is 100,000 euros, 75% of which is financed by EAS. The project is supported by the funds of the European Regional Development Fund.

Koduleht on ehitatud/arendatud EAS-i abiga.
EAS aitab käivitada Funk Embassy Creative Hub’i, mille käigus on arendatud koduleht.

Projekti nimi: Estonian Funk Embassy Creative Hub’i kui 360-kraadise agentuuri käivitamine
Projekti algus ja lõpp: 12.07.2022 – 31.10.2023

Projekti sisu
Ehitame Telliskivi Loomelinnakusse Funk Embassy Creative Hub’i, mis saab olema koduks Funk Embassy loovkollektiivile: bändid, autorid, muusikud ja tiim (kes nende muusikat maailma lennutab). Projekti eesmärgiks on Creative Hub’i kui 360-kraadise agentuuri tööle saamine, st erinevate ärisuundade välja töötamist ja edasi arendamist ning nende toomist ühise katuse alla.
Keskendume projekti raames neljale strateegilisele eesmärgile. Kolm nendest on seotud muusikaliste teenustega, mis ei puuduta live-esinemisi. Neljas eesmärk hõlmab mänedžment-teenust suuremas plaanis, mille üheks osaks võib olla ka kontsertkorraldus.

Strateegilised eesmärgid:
1. (Reklaam)loo kirjutamise ja lindistamise optimeerimine
2. Helistuudio täisteenuse pakkumine
3. Muusikakataloogi esindamine-müük
4. Mänedžeri ametikoha komisjon kasv

Projekti maksumus on 100 000 eurot, sellest 75% aitab rahastada EAS. Projekti toetatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest.

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